Dollar and energy costs.


These are very approximate first estimates, to be improved in later revisions of the RemakingÉ study.  The assumption is that the workshop and garden inventories would provide for four households or 15 adult people. The estimates are based on the items used on my homestead. Spare plumbing fittings and purchases of these for household maintenance is not included, due to difficulty of estimation, but a stock of garden irrigation equipment is included. Household plumping woud be best included under house construction, and little equipment would then be needed for maintenance. The embodied energy cost of steel is assumed at 44 MJ/Kg, to include upstream inputs. Note that annual costs are arrived at by dividing total costs by estimated equipment lifetime.

Totals arrived at:

Annual per capita dollar expenditure for the stock of tools and equipment ... $38.

Annual per capita embodied energy cost for the stock of tools and equipment ... 84 MJ, i.e., c.23kWh.

Although a full acounting would arrive at somewhat higher totals, the figures are reremarkably low.


Dollar    Weight

value         in


WORKSHOP TOOLS; i.e., for homestead level workshop:    

Hammers, tack, carpentry, heavy, sledge                                               100  10

Axe                                                                                                                50   3

Bow saw,                                                                                                      15   2

blades                                                                                                             6                                         

Carpentry hand saw           s                                                                    100    2                  

Cross cut saw                                                                                           100    2

Coping saw                                                                                                 10                                                                           

Hack saw, blades                                                                                       10               

Pliers, needle nose, normal, pincers                                                        50    1                                 

Crow bar                                                                                                      50    5                    

Post hole augre                                                                                          100   2                                         

Screw drivers,                                                                                              50                                                  

Hand drills, small medium, heavy                                                             200 (?)                                            

Electric bench grinder 12 v (?home made, motor tallied below)  100    5

Electric bench drill, 12 v.    (home made, motor tallied below)                  5   10                

Woodworking chisels                                                                                100   1                                             

Cold Chisels                                                                                                 20 

Spanners                                                                                                    100   2                    

Wrenches, small shifter, medium, heavy.                                                200    5

Punches, -- centre, nail, leather                                                                  30  

Pipe vice.                               (home made)                                              100   2                                                        

Scissors                                                                                                        30

Scalpels                                                                                                         20

Knives                                                                                                            30   1

Scrapers                                                                                                        10                                      

Tin snips                                                                                                         50    2

Pallette/putty knives                                                                                      50  

Taps and dies, 3/16Ó, ¼Ó, 5/16Ó, 3/8Ó, ½Ó                                                   100   1                                

Pipe dies, ½Ó,3/4Ó, 1Ó                                                                                 150?  2

Clamps, 10?            From small to large                                                   200    5                                

Wrecking bars, big, small                                                                            40     5                                                        

Files; saw, wood and steel, rasps.                                                70    2                               

Planes.                                                                                                         300     3

Saw setter                                                                                                      30                                        

Glass paper                                                                                                            

Glues                                                                                                             20

Glass cutters                                                                                                           30    

Soldering kit                                                                                                  

Gas bottle, burner                                                                100 5


Solder            , irons                                                                                    

Grease/oil     1 Kg/y ??                                                                                          

Polyester +fiberglass                                                                                

Nails, screws, nuts and bolts (to ½Ó)                                                       200     10                 

Steel wire ropes                                                                                       300      20

Block and tackle, three sets of double pulleys (home made)              100

dollar cost mostly for rope)

Chains                                                                                                        100    30

Shackles, thimbles, turnbuckles                                                              100      5

Needles and sewing kit    

Car jacks,                  4 @$5, second hand                                              20    10

12 volt c. one-quarter h.p. motors.   4@ $200    and 200 MJ

each embodied energy cost                                                                    800      5

Electrical equipment ?a few simple hand tools, plus multi-metre, but not including scrap wire plus replacement globes

                        Totals for above categories. 

Motors       Four @ c. 12v x 20 W, at $200                            $800

                                                                                                  800 MJ

Assuming 15 people                                                        $53/pp

53 MJ/pp

                       Assuming 10 year life                                                       $5/pp/y

                                                                                                                     5 MJ/pp/y

Hand tools                                                                                        $1700

                                                                       = 111 kg steel =    4,440 MJ

            Assuming 15 people                                                           $113/pp

        296 MJ/pp

Assuming 40 year lifetime                                              $2.8/pp/y

                                                                                        7.4 MJ/pp/y

                        Total household workshop tools + motors                               


5,540 MJ



      12.4 MJ/pp/y

Additional tools for community level workshop.

Small metal working lathe.                                                     1500     50

Wood turning lathe. (Home made .)                                        100     10

Heavier drill press.                                                                                    200    20

Blacksmithing equipment. Few items apart from hammers.

Except for a small anvil. Blower could be leather

bellows, or old car fan.

Brazing, welding equipment.                                                   500       5

            Cylinders (rented from supplier)                                180/y  80(?)                      

Running costs for gas and cylinder rental have not

been included.  Use would be quite low, but these

costs are high relative to other outlays here, maybe

$400/y. However it should be possible to produce

the gases cheaply via local small industry, e.g.,

processing carbide and via electrolysis of water

in the production of hydrogen.                                          200      50

.            Community workshop total                                               $2,500

                                                                                (not incl. cylinder rental.)

                                                            215 kg steel =                     9,460 MJ

                        Assuming 50 people use workshop tools         =              $50/pp

                            190 MJ/pp

Assuming10 year lifetime    =                                   $5/pp/y

     19 MJ/pp/y

NB. No electric hand drill, angle grinder, lawn mower or chainsaw included.

                        Total home plus community workshop tools      


                                                                                                                      18,000 MJ


        Household + community workshop dollar cost                        $12.7/pp/y

Household + community workshop embodied energy cost            31.4 MJ/pp/y


            GARDEN TOOLS.

The assumption is that the equipment used at Pigface Point could be sufficient for 3+ households, or 10 people,

(but the set of pumps could provide for 20.)     Lifetimes would vary, but an overall 10 years is assumed.

(Most wooden handles can be home made.)  

Mattock,                                                                                                         40       2

Pick                                                                                                 40       2

Shovels, spades.                                                                                  150     3

Rakes                                                                                                            100     3

Forks                                                                                                              100     3

Watering can                                                                                                 30       1

Buckets                                                         5@15 =                            75       4

Hoses  4 @ 20m = 80m                                                                                    5         

Pots, trays                                                                                                     100     10

Solar fruit dryer                                                         (Home made)        50      5

Wheelbarrows                                                                                        250    20


$1,035   58




                                                                                                                  4.4 MJ/pp/y

Poly pipe. Difficult to estimate, but considerable length needed. Mostly/all small diameter, 12, 19, or 25 mm. A very uncertain estimate is equivalent of 300 m x 19m, = $200. Joiners, Ts, sprinklers etc. home-made brazed from copper tube; assume $100(??) and 5 kg (?)

                        Poly-pipe + copper                                                                 $300



                        30 kJ poly pipe + 5 kg Copper, both @ 65MJ/Kg = 2,275 MJ

                                                                                                                  228 MJ/pp


12 v pumps   $350 and 330 MJ each(?)  At Pig face Point 7

provide for 7 people, but probably could provide for 20(?). Lifetime

assumed, 10 years.                                                                               

So,          $2,450



           2,310 MJ    

          220 MJ/pp

         22 MJ/pp/y

NB. Garden water tanks would need to be added.

            Totals for garden tools plus pumps and equipment.



                                                                                    4,630 MJ



            How to account community garden tools?

This seems too complex to estimate at this stage. Little equipment would seem to be needed to

establish or maintain woodlots, ponds, orchards. Animal pens and shelter and storage sheds

would be somewhat more costly. Aquaponic equipment would be costly, but long lived assuming

concrete structures.



... for homestead workshop, community workshop, and homestead garden tools/equipment.



Running/operating costs?           

In an established settlement these should be quite low, involving mostly maintenance, including for

instancepaint, nails, screws, bolts, grease, glue, files, hacksaw blades, solder, wire Power would

come mostly from solar panels operating machinery and pumps on sunny days.          

No fertilizers, tractor, pesticides.